Catalyst:Ed Provider Renewal
Catalyst:Ed has evolved and grown, and so have you.
Provider renewal will enable you to update your information. We also see this moment as an opportunity for us to clarify expectations and renew our commitments to each other as participants in this ecosystem.
Review and update your information in our system
Review your listed competencies and request to have them updated
Review and sign off on the Provider Guiding Principles
The Renewal Process
Before You Start
At the heart of the renewal process is a reaffirmation of the vision, values, and principles guiding how we see ourselves engaging with each other and leveraging our collective capacity to bring about transformational change. We invite you to review the following materials:
- Provider Guiding Principles: Our Provider-in-Residence Rasheeda Washington has been convening a diverse group of providers (in terms of identity and expertise) in focus groups to help shape Provider Guiding Principles. We invite you to review the current version here. Email Rasheeda at [email protected] if you have any questions, feedback or concerns. We are currently working on a similar set of Guiding Principles for organizations that seek provider expertise through us, and you can review the current draft here.
- Updated competencies: We worked with several providers to help define competencies (these were previously known as “areas of expertise”) and articulate the typical components, outputs, and outcomes associated with each competency. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these to ensure that the competencies we have associated with you are the right ones. You can review all competencies here.
- Catalyst:Ed’s journey: Hear from Leona, Catalyst:Ed’s founder and CEO, as she walks through the organization’s history, how we have evolved over time here, and our vision and ideas for an equitable marketplace (here). This was previously shared during our April Community Call. We also facilitated three Town Halls in April/May to refresh providers on key aspects of our model and answer questions. You can review them here, here and here.
Get Started
Here’s an overview of the provider renewal process. Please note that all information is due to us by June 20, 2021
Step 1: Network Agreement
You will receive a custom link to this form via email. Don’t receive one? Contact us at [email protected].
- Your Network Membership: You’ll start by telling us if you’re interested in continuing in the network.
- Organizational affiliation: You’ll let us know about any changes to your organizational structure or affiliation.
- Guiding Principles Agreement: You will be asked to agree to the Provider Guiding Principles (here).
Step 2: Profile Update Form
At the end of Step 1, you’ll be able to click a link to continue to Step 2. The link will also be emailed to you.
- Profile Review and Update: Information in your profile will be available for you to edit directly. You can review all questions for individuals here, and for teams here.
- Competency Review: Look over your competencies and indicate if you’d like to update them. See here for a list of competencies and their definitions.
Step 3: (Optional) Competency Update
You’ll receive this form only if you indicated in Step 2 that you would like to update your competencies.
- Apply for new competencies: Tell us what competencies you would like to add and share a bit about your experience and expertise in these areas. You can review all questions for individuals here, and for teams here.
- References: Provide three references who can speak to your capabilities in the competency areas you would like to add. We will reach out to your references as soon as you submit this form – all references must be completed by June 20th.
Process opens: May 20, 2021
Renewal closes and all steps completed (incl. references if you choose to update competencies): June 20, 2021
Decisions on competencies shared with providers: July 23rd