Looking Back on the Journey to Reclamation


by Meladee Evans, Partner of Programs at Catalyst:Ed; Tyler Brewster, Founder of Peer Connect; and Nybria Acklin, Associate of DEI at Catalyst:Ed

Tune in for this discussion, which covers Tyler’s ideas about the importance of a sacred space for Black women to tend to the various facets of wellness to the production of the self-care series and the lessons they learned as active participants.

In the co-occurring crises of COVID-19 and amplified police violence against Black Americans, Tyler Brewster, a Catalyst:Ed network member and co-founder of Peer Connect, observed a troubling pattern: Black women were continuously being called upon to “fix the mess.” Amidst this, she confronted a critical question: “Where was the space that Black women were to go to refresh, reset, cry, and be angry?” and quickly realized that a place like that did not exist. She approached the Catalyst:Ed team with an idea: what if we started a self-care series by Black women for Black women? Thus, The Journey to Reclamation series was born. 

Over this four-part series, which was free of cost to Black women in the Catalyst:Ed network, Tyler assembled amazing facilitators to help participants dive deeper into the practice of the various facets of self-care, including Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional health. Together, they created a space for Black women to show up and “unbutton,” examining self-care as a means by which participants could reflect on the sum of their parts, cultivate joy, and refuel. 

In the video below, Tyler looks back on the series. She is joined by Catalyst:Ed’s Partner, Programs, Meladee Evans, and DEI Associate, Nybria Acklin. Together, they discuss the inspiration behind the series, how it came together, and their experiences as active participants in the sessions.

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